
How to access Liberland

Don't follow Google maps navigation blindly when coming to Liberland and to ARK Village in Apatin Serbia!

The entry point to Liberland is located in Zmajevac
(45°47′9.4″N, 18°51′33.5″E). Use ONLY this point on Google maps!).

Here you leave the main road at the “do not enter” sign. For the last month we did not get any fines for breaching this sign. From here head south for five kilometrs and turn left into stony road to the area where you can park. Here the Croatian river police gets off the boat and checks your passports or EU IDs (45.7859358, 18.8592922). You don't have to show them your Liberland passport as they have seen it already many times.

The Liberland border checkpoint is located on the houseboat Liberty (45.784450,18.866582). Here you can get the Liberland border stamp. Please be advised that you may have problems entering Liberland through other Croatian borders with the Liberland stamp.

When coming to ARK Liberland Village in Serbia. Be advised that the bridge between Apatin and Sombor is open but Google maps does not indicate that you will end up on a crazy dirt road near Kupusina that is impossible to go through with a normal car.

To arrive in Liberland, you need to be allowed to enter the Schengen Area with a valid ID.

Liberland Form
access Liberland

Surprisingly, the best interactive route from Apatin can be seen on Czech as a route for mountain bikes.


See also informations on or
Detailed document about traveling to Liberland is here: Liberland Travel Guidelines.